Estimize is an open financial estimates platform which facilitates the aggregation of fundamental estimates from independent, buy-side, and sell-side analysts, along with those of private investors and students. By sourcing estimates from a diverse community of individuals, Estimize provides both a more accurate and more representative view of expectations compared to sell side only data sets which suffer from several severe biases.

3130 analysts contribute to Estimize, resulting in coverage on over 900 stocks each quarter. The Estimize consensus has proven more accurate than comparable sell side data sets over 69% of the time.

The firm was founded in 2011 by former quantitative hedge fund analyst Leigh Drogen, with the belief that the financial ecosystem was ready for an estimates platform built with an open and transparent philosophy.

The Estimize consensus estimate is regularly referenced in notable financial media sources such as Forbes, Barron’s, The Wall Street Journal, CNN Money, The Street, Investors Business Daily and Business Week, amongst others.